This includes but is not limited to through the URL addresses and, the Capital One mobile app, or electronic mail or links from another website via a computer, mobile device, or any other means. This Agreement shall apply regardless of how the Services are accessed. But the terms of this Agreement are not intended to modify any disclosures or other terms that are required by law and that are provided by Capital One in an Additional Agreement.

If the terms of this Agreement conflict with the terms in any Additional Agreement solely as they apply to online banking and online bill payment services, this Agreement controls. The Additional Agreements are incorporated into this Agreement. This includes agreements or terms governing any checking, savings or other deposit accounts loan, line of credit and credit card accounts pre-qualification requests any other accounts that you may access while using the Services fee schedules our electronic funds transfer agreement and disclosures our Online Bill Payment Authorization and Agreement and your signature card. If you use certain accounts, features, products or services in connection with the Services, you may be subject to separate agreements governing such accounts, features, products, or services (collectively, “Additional Agreements”). Please also visit for information about how Capital One collects, uses, and discloses personal information in connection with the Services. All of these Terms and Conditions apply to your use of the Services on the Online Banking Site. This Agreement is part of the Terms and Conditions for and the Terms and Conditions for.

This Agreement governs your use of any information, content, products, services, transactions, and other features available through the Online Banking Web site (the “Online Banking Site”). If you don’t accept these terms, you may not use the Services. You accept this Agreement by using the Services. Unless otherwise noted, each section below applies regardless of whether you are using the Services to access your Bank Account or Non-Bank Account.īefore using any of the Services, please read this Agreement. This Agreement governs your use of the Services (defined below).